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- Global responsibility as a basic idea and result of general education: conceptual foundations and technology of formation
- Sinitsyn I.S. Global responsibility as a basic idea and result of general education: conceptual foundations and technology of formation. Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics, 2024, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. XX-XX.
- DOI:
- УДК: 371
- Publish date: 2024-10-20
- Annotation: An integral feature of modernity are constantly emerging problems and contradictions generated in the conditions of an ever-globalizing world and having a universal character of manifestation. Addressing global problems of modernity as a substantive category of general education will allow bringing the educational process to a qualitatively new level, which will be manifested, on the one hand, in the formation and further development of a set of educational results declared in educational standards and related federal educational programs applicable to different levels of general education and federal work programs for individual subjects, and also to promote the development of global responsibility in schoolchildren. In this context, the mission of general education aimed at overcoming the “global egoism” (personal position - “nothing depends on me, and I do not decide anything”) and apathy existing in modern society is relevant, which requires clarification at the level of conceptualization of key concepts. The purpose of the article is to reveal the conceptual and technological foundations of the formation of global responsibility as a basic idea and result of general education. The main scientific result of the study is: 1) disclosure of the essence of the phenomenon under consideration from the position of integrative quality, which forms in an individual, on the basis of acquired knowledge, norms and rules, a set of modes of activity and assigned value systems consistent with the imperative of survival and sustainable development of human civilization, the ability and readiness to build their life activities in the direction of resolving at the local level manifestations of global problems of humanity and/or their minimization with awareness of the obligation for the results and consequences of their actions; 2) definition of the general technological framework for the formation of global responsibility, implemented in stages on the basis of private strategies: education about problems, education for problems, education through problems, which are substantively (a system of responsible affairs of cognitive-search, educational, value, practical-creative, moral-normative and reflexive-evaluative orientation) and methodologically (methods and techniques of heuristic learning, development of critical learning) respectively.
- Keywords: globality, responsibility, global responsibility, global problems, technology of forming global responsibility, strategies of forming global responsibility, value systems, responsible business.
- Funding and acknowledgments: the article was prepared within the framework of the state assignment of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation to the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky in 2024 for research on the topic ‟Development of conceptual foundations and technology for the formation of global responsibility of students in the process of studying global problems of our time.”
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