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- The relationship between the measure of differentiation and the measure of hierarchy with the meaningful, event-driven and associative-imaginative thinking of the film director
- Moss V.A., Volkova E.V. The relationship between the measure of differentiation and the measure of hierarchy with the meaningful, event-driven and associative-imaginative thinking of the film director. Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics, 2024, vol. 30, № 3, pp. 50-60.
- DOI:
- УДК: 159.9:791.43
- Publish date: 2024-09-06
- Annotation: The article raises the question of the relevance of studying special directorial abilities and the possibilities of the differentiation-integration theory of development for organizing this research. In an empirical study of the relationship between the measure of differentiation and the measure of hierarchy of the concept Director with semantic, event-active and associative-figurative thinking, schoolchildren and students (N=403) studying the specialty of film director at the age of 12 to 52 years took part, among them 40% were male. The diagnostic complex included a directed associative experiment, a visual prototype of the Director concept and the “Five Frames” test. The data obtained indicate a reliable influence of the organizational features of the Director concept on the main types of directorial thinking. It has been revealed that the higher the degree of differentiation and the measure of hierarchy of the Director concept, the higher the level of semantic, event-active and associative-figurative thinking. Both linear increasing and U-, Ո-shaped changes in the level of director's thinking were discovered depending on the ratio of the measure of differentiation and the measure of hierarchy of the concept Director.
- Keywords: measure of differentiation, measure of hierarchy, film directing thinking, meaningful thinking, event-driven thinking, associative-imaginative thinking, director's abilities, film directing, film director.
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