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- Potentials and limitations of individualisation of specialist training in a teacher training college
- Gushchina T.N. Potentials and limitations of individualisation of specialist training in a teacher training college. Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics, 2020, vol. 26, № 3, pp. 141-147 (In Russ.). DOI
- DOI:
- УДК: 377.8
- Publish date: 2020-06-06
- Annotation: The purpose of the article is to present a number of research results on identifying and evaluating the potentials and limitations of individualisation of training of specialists in the field of "Preschool education" in the pedagogic college. The importance of the identified environmental potentials of individualisation of training of specialists at the levels of saturation of the medium events; the ability to ensure compliance with the pedagogic support of students’ interests in learning activities, pedagogic practices, subject activity, communication, self-knowledge; the system of organising longitudinal practice on the basis of pre-school educational organisations; the presence of a structural division of additional education in the college; the possibility of tutor support; the priority of pedagogic means for developing the student's personality. The author analyses individual projects, educational research, methods of reflexive analysis, and individual preparation of students for participation in Worldskills Russia Championships as the potential for individualisation of future specialist training. The collective self-assessment of the conducted innovative activity actualised the stable motivation of students and the interest of pedagogues in experimental activities as additional opportunities for individualisation of specialist training.
- Keywords: individualisation, specialist training, personality, student, teacher training college, potentials and limitations, innovation
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