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- Methodological approaches as a defining construct of the formation of the concept of professional readiness of future specialists in the field of public administration for innovative activity
- Provotorova N.V. Methodological approaches as a defining construct of the formation of the concept of professional readiness of future specialists in the field of public administration for innovative activity. Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics. 2022. vol. 28, № 1. pp. 198-204. https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2022-28-1-198-204
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2022-28-1-198-204
- УДК: 378:351
- Publish date: 2022-03-19
- Annotation: The development of modern public administration entails the introduction of innovative forms, methods and models of management, which in turn puts forward requirements for the professionalism of public civil servants, their professional training, in particular readiness for innovation. The development of an appropriate pedagogic concept contributes to the formation of professional readiness of future specialists in the field of public administration for innovation. The article shows the conditions that determine the creation of the concept of formation of professional readiness of future specialists in the field of public administration for innovation, its main idea, mission and purpose. The scientific foundations of the developed author's concept are acmeological, axiological, systemic, activity-based, competency approaches. In the publication, the choice of the designated methodological approaches is reasoned and their characteristics are given. In conclusion, the validity of the use of acmeological, axiological, systemic, activity-based, competency approaches as determining the key directions of the formation of professional readiness of future specialists in the field of public administration for innovation is emphasised. Attention is paid to the need to develop a model and pedagogic conditions for the formation of the studied readiness and their implementation in the educational process, which our further research will be devoted to.
- Keywords: public administration, future specialists, readiness for innovation, concept of formation of readiness for innovation, methodological approaches, acmeological approach, axiological approach, system approach, activity approach, competency approach.
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