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- Pedagogic technology for the development of information competency of vocational training pedagogues in the process of profile training at the university: the results of implementation
- Zhueva A.G. Pedagogic technology for the development of information competency of vocational training pedagogues in the process of profile training at the university: the results of implementation. Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics, 2022, vol. 28, № 1, pp. 52-59. https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2022-28-1-52-59
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2022-28-1-52-59
- УДК: 378
- Publish date: 2021-02-19
- Annotation: In the article, the author presents the results of a study of the problem of developing the information competency of future pedagogues of vocational training in the process of their profile training at a university. Topicality of the problem is substantiated; the stages of the study are characterised. The conducted research allowed identifying a range of problems that cause the low efficiency of the formation of information competency of vocational training pedagogues, the general dissatisfaction with this of employers and the graduates themselves of training direction 44.03.04 “Vocational training (by industry)ˮ and the main directions for the development of information competency of future vocational training pedagogues in the preparation. Based on the results of the exploration stage of the experiment, as well as taking into account the modern requirements of the digital economy for the level of information competency of future pedagogues of vocational training, trends and patterns of modern education and the results of the analysis of scientific and pedagogic literature on the research problem, pedagogic technology were substantiated; development of information competency of vocational training pedagogues was conducted and tested in practice. The implementation of this technology as part of the formative stage of the pedagogic experiment made it possible to significantly increase the efficiency of the development of the phenomenon under study among future pedagogues of vocational training through the use of the potential of specialised disciplines for these purposes.
- Keywords: vocational training pedagogues’ information competency development pedagogic technology, specialised training, pedagogic experiment.
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