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- Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics. 2017. № 5.
- Citation link: Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics. 2017. № 5. 146 p.
- L.I. Timonina Upbringing basic strategies A.G. Samokhvalova, Ye.V. Tikhomirova, A.G. Kirpichnik, V.V. Gruzdev Criteria and methodology of estimation of the current state of upbringing system in an educational organisation V.V. Gruzdev, O.S. Shcherbinina A higher education institution as an educational centre of a region to work with gifted schoolchildren O.B. Skryabina, V.A. Sokolov The development of a competency model of a specialist working in the system of upbringing of educational institutions: issues of theory and practice S.A. Arakcheyeva Self-development as inter-disciplinary category O.V. Kirillova, Ye.G. Shubnikova Pedagogic prevention of addictive behaviour of children and youth in the educational environment: paradigms, conceptual models, theoretical approaches
- L.V. Ovchinnikova, M.V. Saporovskaya Psychological factors and dynamic features of sales managers career S.A. Khazova, V.A. Smirnov Gifted senior pupils’ personal resources development implementation programme experience within socialisation process psycho-pedagogic maintenance N.Ye. Serebrovskaya, A.A. Lukomets Psychological readiness to the choice of profession in early adolescence: theoretical and practical aspect I.A. Umanskaya Studying of types of behaviour in conflict situations in the conditions of a communicative stress (on the example of bank workers) S.A. Khazova, D.B. Kornilova Psycho-gymnastics as a method of development of the social and emotional sphere of preschool children with mental retardation
- O.V. Kirillova, I.A. Chemerilova The study of the conditions of creative self-realisation of future pedagogues-psychologists in educational process E.K. Nikitina The educational programme of pedagogic magistracy as a factor in the development of the creativity of the personality of the future pedagogue Z.V. Rumyantseva The problem of development of creative readiness future pedagogues-musicians to professional activity T.Yu. Lustgarten Formation of psychological readiness of graduates of the direction of technosphere safety for actions in emergency situations V.N. Sulima Students’ personal and professional development during the training in a higher school A.I. Korobchenko, M.G. Golubchikova The development of educational independence of students of technical universities as the basis for the formation of general cultural competences by means of the discipline "Physical culture and sport" Yu.S. Kuchina Socio-pedagogic assistance to students with weakened health: a practical aspect
- V.S. Sekovanov, Zh.V. Dorokhova, Yu.V. Kudryashova, S.F. Katerzhina The use of fractal methods and information technologies as a means of aesthetic education of students D.S. Karasyova Phonetic-phonological tasks in the Russian Language lessons V.L. Soldatova "Vocal-orientated foreign language communication teaching" as a technique contributing to the solution of the I – Another problem
- O.A. Koryakovtseva Youth social activity development control as a social upbringing system enhancement resource I.V. Ariabkina, A.G. Samokhvalova, L.I. Timonina, E.N. Kokina Mechanisms of inclusion of pupils of pedagogic classes in the system school performance V.M. Basova, Zh.A. Zakharova Prevention of social infantilism in children deprived of parental care Zh.A. Zakharova, V.V. Gruzdev Analysis of the experience of the upbringing of legal culture in orphaned adolescents in the conditions of the establishment of public care O.B. Polyakova Features of psycho-pedagogic counseling of prospective parents in the process of training in the school of adoptive parents O.A. Kiselyova, Yu.N. Surikova, M.S. Sorokina, V.A. Smirnov, A.G. Samokhvalova Individual educational route of professional self-determination as a means professional orientation of schoolchildren