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- Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics. 2017. № 2.
- Citation link: Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics. 2017. № 2. 212 p.
- M.I. Abashin, A.L. Galinovskiy, A.R. Denisov, M.V. Zosimov Perspective models of engineering education L.A. Mednikova Activity pedagogic projecting as an efficient educative technology N.A. Nekhoroshikh Modern conditions of modernisation of vocational adaptation the young pedagogue at school Yu.V. Mel’nik Pedagogue’s professional competency as a condition for implementation of inclusive educational activity Yu.A. Lyakh Results of national research on foreign languages in pupils of 5s to 8s forms
- Ye.B. Filinkova Managerial self-identification as a special kind of self-identification Ye.A. Pyr’yev Emotional aspects of human behaviour S.V. Kovalyova The attractiveness and passion in the system of scientific paradigm T.I. Mironova, D.P. Fetiskin The conceptual foundation of the ambivalent essence and the structural-functional model of legal nihilism T.V. Bystrovа Characteristics of the hardness in convicts with long sentences with the account of their recognising of guilt in the committed crime M.V. Ovsyannikova The study of the emotional sphere of female offenders: history and modernity N.P. Fetiskin, M.G. Gusmanov Typology and strategies of self-realisation of student’s youth constructive and destructive context N.A. Koryagina, K.A. Krotova The problem of studying the phenomenon of social indolence M.V. Prokhorova, A.L. Larina Design of holistic model of a medical representative’s competences by method of repertory grids I.V. Serafimovich Metacognition and problem solving strategies T.E. Sizikova The article describes basic units of reflexive psychlogical couseling O.N. Vishnevskaya, A.G. Samokhvalova Psychological theatre as technology of elimination of communicative difficulties of adolescents A.V. Chagina, A.G. Samoкhvalova Overcoming intercultural communicative difficulties as a basis of development of intercultural competency of the person Yu.D. Shmagina The problem of crisis of middle age in Russian and foreign science
- Ye.D. Gryaznova Pedagogic forecasting as a basis of forming of professional values at students N.K. Dmitriyeva Information competency as a factor of students’ academic mobility development in the process of professionally oriented foreign language acquisition I.N. Gar’kin, L.M. Medvedeva, O.M. Nazarova Attitude of students to entrepreneurship: results of sociological research M.P. Gur’yanova Professional socio-pedagogic education: state and strategies of development Yu.A. Tokareva, Ye.A. Bykova, T.K. Kovalenko Model of high school teachers’ adaptation to new information technologies N.Yu. Shepeleva, Ye.Yu. Glazova Learning of English language by professors and teachers of University as the means of the professional growth and the increase of competitiveness at the international market V.V. Vasil’yev Values of the continuous education of employees of internal Affairs bodies in the higher education institutions of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
- Ye.K. Korzhevina, T.N. Matytsina, N.L. Margolina On the solution of a quadratic equation without using the roots’ formula I.V. Boldakova, N.S. Kuznetsova Critical ideation development in the process of teaching Informatics A.I. Ratyni, Ye.V. Beryozina, A.S. Parfyonov Innovative technologies of teaching mathematics in medical higher school: aquarium method V.S. Sekovanov, S.F. Mitenyova, L.B. Rybina Solving the multistage task in mathematics and informatics “Topological and fractal dimensions of set” as means of creativity development and competences formation in students A.V. Sidorov, N.L. Margolina, T.N. Matytsina, K.Ye. Shiryayev Formation and development of logic universal education in action of estimating the equations by non-standard method S.A. Smirnova Research of innovative techniques of teaching a foreign language in a higher education institution for the purpose of development of critical thinking of trainees T.P. Frolova Training in dialogical speaking of students of technical universities on the basis of audiovisual texts T.S. Sheromova Situational problems of historical nature: structure and specifics of their use in aspect of poly-subjectness
- T.F. Asafova Models of increase in availability of additional education of children of in rural societas
- A.P. Lebedev, A.A. Reunova, U.Yu. Sevast’yanova, Ye.V. Kuftyak Adaptation mechanisms in children with disabilities A.Yu. Kabushko, Ye.S. Slyusaryova Training of pedagogic personnel for the system of special and inclusive education in the state budget educational institution of higher education Stavropol State Pedagogic Institute
- A.V. Malinovskiy Socio-psychological conditions of formation of quality of children’s movement in contemporary Russia
- N.F. Basov, O.N. Vericheva Socio-pedagogic support of disabled children and young people
- Ye.G. Nikolayeva Implementation of pedagogic conditions as the factor of increase of efficiency of physical culture and sports education of employees of correctional institutions of the penal system
- Ye.A. Vyzulin Additional professional education in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire and the Russian Federation: historical-legal analysis
- Ye.V. Tikomirova, Yu.V. Rumyantsev Upbringing technologies in secondary schools. All-Russian scientific-practical conference in Kostroma State University