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- Presentation as art-oriented extra linguistic object for creating content basis and forming communicative motivation in connection with online foreign language communication teaching
- Soldatova V.L., Sitnikov S.A. Presentation as art-oriented extralinguistic object for creating content basis and forming communicative motivation in connection with online foreign language communication teaching. Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics, 2023, vol. 29, № 2, pp. 109-118. https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2023-29-2-109-118
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2023-29-2-109-118
- УДК: 811.1:004
- Publish date: 2023-04-10
- Annotation: The article is dedicated to the problem of creating content basis and forming communicative motivation in connection with online foreign language communication teaching. ‟Presentation” as art-oriented extralinguistic object for creating content basis and forming communicative motivation in connection with online foreign language communication teaching is being regarded. The possibility of using ‟Photo-, slide-oriented foreign language teaching technique” as an art-oriented technique of ‟Art-oriented concept of teaching foreign language communication” for working out ‟Presentation” mentioned above is considered and justified. It is proved that this ‟Photo-, slide-oriented teaching” as an art-oriented technique of ‟Art-oriented concept of teaching foreign language communication” contributes to the solution of the problem of forming communicative motivation in connection with foreign language communication teaching online. ‟Presentation” as art-oriented extralinguistic object is proved to be one of the instruments for solving the problem of creating content basis and forming communicative motivation in connection with foreign language communication teaching online. In the course of research on the chosen topic, the authors used Soldatova V.L.'s monography ‟Art-oriented concept of teaching foreign language communication. Innovative direction in teaching and upbringing”, materials of Kiseleva M.V. 's study ‟Art therapy in working with children: a guide for child psychologists, teachers, doctors and specialists working with children” and as well as Vygotsky L.S.'s research ‟Thinking and speech”. Summing up the preliminary results, we consider it our duty to draw the following conclusions. «Presentation» as an art-oriented extralinguistic object for creating content basis and forming communicative motivation in connection with online foreign language communication teaching can become a tool for solving the problem of creating content basis and forming communicative motivation in connection with foreign language communication teaching online.
- Keywords: art-oriented concept of teaching, extralinguistic object, foreign language communication, communicative motivation, presentation, content basis, teaching online, photo-, slide-oriented teaching.
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