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- Modern challenges of medical education and their reflection in the curriculum
- Tolkacheva I.V. Modern challenges of medical education and their reflection in the curriculum. Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics, 2022, vol. 28, № 3, pp. 143-150.
- DOI:
- УДК: 378:61
- Publish date: 2022-09-19
- Annotation: Medical education in the 21st century is at a crossroads. Faced with the challenges posed by science and technology, as well as social change, the curriculum is increasingly out of step with the new needs for teaching and medical practice. The road to major curriculum reform is challenging due to a variety of factors, including deep-rooted values, natural resistance to change, and the accreditation process. In fact, even the very understanding of what it means to be a professional is changing, which has a profound impact on the future role of the physician in society and the relationship that develops in the course of medical practice between physician and patient. In this article, the author considers the problems facing medical education in the modern era. To solve these problems, the author recommends paying special attention to the 21st century medical education curriculum – knowledge acquisition and storage, cooperation with and management of artificial intelligence applications, a deep understanding of probabilistic reasoning, and the development of empathy and compassion in accordance with ethical norms and standards. Given these needs, it is essential, in the author's opinion, to undertake a significant reform of the curricula and, at the same time, strives to introduce such changes that will help prepare practitioners in the rapidly changing 21st century. The author of the article suggests the first steps that a higher education institution can take to solve the problems considered in this study.
- Keywords: medical education, educational institutions, curriculum, reformation, practitioners, medical students.
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